About Me

After dealing with some chronic digestive issues with my little one, we discovered that she has gluten issues. Thinking about raising a toddler without cheerios and goldfish crackers was a daunting experience at first, but we are learning to make it work. It didn't take long before she began asking "Is this good for my tummy?" and letting others know when something wasn't. Through trial and error, we are working to find alternatives that work for us. This blog is dedicated to helping others going gluten free with little ones find and prepare food that is good for sensitive, little tummies.

Overtime, I began to realize that when I ate gluten free along with my daughter that I felt better too.  As long as I can remember, my stomach has been puffy and swollen every time I ate.  Honestly, it was just my normal, and I didn't think too much about until I started to notice that if I ate with my daughter for a couple of days that my stomach didn't swell.  After reading up on some of the symptoms of celiac disease and gluten intolerance, I also discovered that I had struggled with many of the other symptoms as well.  I have struggled with anxiety and depression throughout my life, had chronic joint pain, erratic menstrual cycles, mouth sores, and chronic constipation.  I never had any major health issues that impeded my life, but everyday felt like a struggle.  I decided to go on a gluten free diet as well, and I have never felt better.  Most of the symptoms that I had experienced have completely gone away.

My oldest son, who is 14, has also had lots of health issues.  He has multiple allergies, asthma, sensitives, and frequent illnesses.  Last winter, he also started having migraines, panic attacks, and memory troubles.  He has always been an honor student, and he began to struggle to complete school work and have poor performance on tests and quizzes despite spending more time than usual preparing.  I discussed the issues with his doctor, and he ran multiple blood tests and even an MRI to rule out a brain tumor.  Luckily, I asked him to complete a celiac test while he was at it.  All of the tests, except the gluten test, came back normal.  Removing gluten from his diet, has substantially reduced his symptoms.  Although, we soon discovered that he also had trouble digesting dairy.  He is very sensitive though, and even exposure to very small amounts of gluten from cross-contamination bring back his mental struggles as well as digestive trouble. 


  1. I think I have a gluten intolerance also. I was gluten-free by choice because I'm a type 1 diabetic and I read that celiac disease and type 1 diabetes share a common gene. This week I had to add wheat back into my diet so that I can be tested for celiac disease. Now, I have joint pain, constipation and a puffier belly. These came back by day three, as I began adding more bread to my diet. I can't wait to take the test. Even if the celiac test comes back negative, I'm pretty sure I'll be gluten free for good. My boys also have sensory issues, adhd and I'm pretty sure my oldest has Asperger's. We're starting with vitamins and then will do an elimination diet for a week to see if they have any food sensitivities as well. Thanks so much for this post! It just confirmed that my symptoms aren't just "in my head" as my endocrinologist suggested. :)

    1. It sounds like there are many parallels in our families. So glad that you are on the path to healing! I had been told many times that things we just "in my head" too because nobody believed that I could feel so bad everyday. Best wishes!
